Professor Larry Weiskrantz 1926 – 2018
It is with great sadness that the University of Turin announces the death of Professor Larry Weiskrantz, who passed away on 27th January 2018. Emeritus Professor of Oxford University, Larry Weiskrantz was nominated Honorary Fellow of the Neuroscience Institute and of the Department of Psychology in 2016. His pioneering studies led to the discovery of the phenomenon of blindsight and to the evidence of implicit long-term memories and the role of amygdala in emotion recognition, to name just a few.
1 of 5 videos of the memorial event held for Professor Larry Weiskrantz on June 8th 2018.
"Prendete la vita con leggerezza, che leggerezza non è superficialità ma planare sulle cose dall'alto, non avere macigni sul cuore"
"Take life lightly, for lightness is not superficial, but gliding above things, not having weights on your heart"
Italo Calvino
"Larry was an amazing man... he had a nasty habit of being right! He even amazed me by some of the (correct) predictions made about GY. As GY I was fortunate enough to meet a lot of amazing people but Larry certainly stood head and shoulders above the rest. He will be sadly missed by many people not only for his academic ability but also for his enthusiasm, humour and warmth. It was and always will be an honour knowing him."
"This is a very great loss. We all had great respect for Larry as a person, and for his pioneering scientific discoveries"
Edmund T. Rolls, University of Oxford
"He was a lovely man and we will miss him very much."
Kate Watkins, University of Oxford
"I was so sad to hear the news. Larry was an inspiration and a friend of mine. I got to know him well during a week long tour of psychology departments in Sweden - quite some time ago now, as well as through the EBBS committees that we both served as members and President. And of course, many visits to Oxford when I always enjoyed going with him to dinner. He was a wonderful scientist, mentor and teacher as well as a dear friend. I shall miss him very much."
Barry Everitt, University of Cambridge
"Larry taught me everything I know about doing science and being a scientist. But above all he taught me how to treat students with care and compassion and as colleagues."
Charlie Gross, Princeton University
"This is all so terribly sad. Larry was such an influence on me, such a support and friend, so funny, and such a kind, kind man. I realise that I really loved Larry. I will miss him so much."
Robert W Kentridge, Durham University
"I didn’t know him well - but I did get several opportunities to chat with him, and he was always very generous. For those opportunities, I consider myself very lucky."
Andrew H Bell, Oxford University
"I was so impressed by his friendship, his wit and his warmth, and that's saying nothing about his work."
Alan J Pegna, University of Queensland
"Larry was a giant like few perhaps exist today... I have not known him personally, but clearly he was an important inspiration too... His spirit and work will remain alive of course"
Patrik Vuilleumier, University of Geneva
"I will always remember Larry fondly. He was my first and only postdoc supervisor. I learned so much from him -- and from Alan Cowey -- during my two years at Oxford. Two great friends now gone."
Melvyn A. Goodale, University of Western Ontario
"I have beautiful memories of Larry in the '70s when he came to the Scuola Normale di Pisa to give a cycle of lectures and then he invited me to Oxford for a seminar and visits to the various labs. He has been a giant in neuropsychology."
Giovanni Berlucchi, Università di Verona
"We shall remain forever grateful to Larry for all his dedication and contributions to our department. We will miss him."
Kia Nobre, University of Oxford