Celeghin, A., Diano, M., de Gelder, B., Weiskrantz, L., Marzi, C.A., & Tamietto, M. (2017)
Intact hemisphere and corpus callosum compensate for visuomotor functions after early visual cortex damage
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(48):E10475-E10483
Tamietto, M., Pullens, P., de Gelder, B., Weiskrantz, L., & Goebel, R. (2012)
Subcortical Connections to Human Amygdala and Changes Following Destruction of the Visual Cortex
Current Biology, 22(15), 1449-1455
Tamietto, M. & de Gelder, B., (2010)
Neural bases of the non-conscious perception of emotional signals
Nature reviews Neuroscience, 11(10), 697-709
Tamietto, M., Castelli, L., Vighetti, S., Perozzo, P., Geminiani, G., Weiskrantz, L., & de Gelder, B. (2009)
Unseen facial and bodily expressions trigger fast emotional reactions
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(42), 17661-17666
de Gelder, B., Tamietto, M., van Boxtel, G., Goebel, R., Sahraie, A., van den Stock, Stienen, BMC, Weiskrantz, L. & Pegna, A. (2008)
Intact navigation skills after bilateral loss of striate cortex
Current Biology, 18(24), R1128-9
Lanzilotto, M., Dal Monte, O., Diano, M., Panormita, M., Battaglia, S., Celeghina, A., Bonini, L., Tamietto, M. (2025)
Learning to fear novel stimuli by observing others in the social affordance framework
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Willis, H. E., Fahrenthold, B., Millington-Truby, R. S., Willis, R., Starling, L., Cavanaugh, M. R., Tamietto, M., Huxlin, K. and Bridge, H. (2025)
Persistence of training-induced visual improvements after occipital stroke
medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences, 2024.10.24.24316036.
Willis, H. E., Caron, B., Cavanaugh, M. R., Starling, L., Ajina, S., Pestilli, F., Tamietto, M., Huxlin, K. R., Watkins, K. E., & Bridge, H. (2024)
Rehabilitating homonymous visual field deficits: white matter markers of recovery-stage 2 registered report
Brain communications, 6(5), fcae323.
Borriero, A., Milazzo, M., Diano, M., Orsenigo, D., Villa, M. C., DiFazio, C., Tamietto, M., Perotti, A. (2024)
Explainable Emotion Decoding for Human and Computer Vision.
World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, 178-201.
Esposito, M., Palermo, S., Nahi, Y. C., Tamietto, M., & Celeghin, A. (2023)
Implicit Selective Attention: The Role of the Mesencephalic-basal Ganglia System
Current Neuropharmacology.
Di Fazio, C., Tamietto, M., Stanziano, M., Nigri, A., & Palermo, S. (2024)
Enhanced Cortical Plasticity in Alzheimer’s Disease: Exploring ccPAS Potential
Battaglia, S.; Di Fazio, C.; Mazzà, M.; Tamietto, M.; Avenanti, A. (2024)
Targeting Human Glucocorticoid Receptors in Fear Learning: A Multiscale Integrated Approach to Study Functional Connectivity
Int. J. Mol. Sci 25, 864.
Willis, H. E., Fahrenthold, B., Millington-Truby, R., Willis, R., Starling, L., Cavanaugh, M. E., Tamietto, M., Huxlin, K. R., Bridge, H. (2024)
Persistence of training-induced visual improvements after occipital stroke
medRxiv, 2024-10.
Willis, H. E., Caron, B., Cavanaugh, M. R., Starling, L., Ajina, S., Pestilli, F., Tamietto, M., Huxlin, K.R., Watkins, K. E., Bridge, H. (2024)
Rehabilitating homonymous visual field deficits: white matter markers of recovery—stage 2 registered report
Brain communications, 6 (5).
Borgomaneri, S., Zanon, M., Di Luzio, P., Cataneo, A., Arcara, G., Romei, V., Tamietto, M., Avenanti, A. (2023)
Increasing associative plasticity back-projections imrpves visual perception of emotions
Nat Commun 14, 5702.
Willis, H.E, Ip, I.B., Watt, A., Campbell, J., Jbabdi, S., Clarke, W.T., Cavanaugh, M.R., Huxlin, K.R., Watkins, K.E., Tamietto, M., Bridge, H. (2023)
GABA and Glutamate in hMT+ Link to Individual Differences in Residual Visual Function After Occipital Stroke
Stroke, 54(9), 2286-2295. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.043269
Celeghin, A., Borriero, A., Orsenigo, D., Diano, M., Méndez Guerrero, C.A., Perotti, A., Petri, G., and Tamietto, M. (2023)
Convolutional neural networks for vision neuroscience: significance, developments, and outstanding issues
Front. Comput. Neurosci., 17.
Willis, H.E., Ip, I.B., Watt, A., Jbabdi, S., Clarke, W., Cavanaugh, M.R., Huxlin, K.R., Watkins, K.E., Tamietto, M., Bridge, H. (2022)
Neurochemistry in hMT+ underlies residual vision in visual loss after stroke
Journal of Vision 2022;22(14):3990. doi:
Starling L., Hameed, J, Willis, H.E., Khan, A., Maxwell, R., Tamietto, M., Ajina, S., Bridge, H. (2022)
Relating residual visual function to visual areas affected by visual field loss
Journal of Vision 2022;22(14):4136. doi:
Prochazkova, E., Venneker, D., de Zwart, R., Tamietto, M., and Kret, M.E. (2022)
Conscious awareness is necessary to assess trust and mimic facial expressions, while pupils impact trust unconsciously
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 377:20210183.
Mendez, C.A., Celeghin, A., Diano, M., Orsenigo, D., Oçak, B. and Tamietto, M. (2022)
A deep neural network model of the primate superior colliculus for emotion recognition
Philosophical Transaction R. Soc. B 377:20210512
Grignolio, A., Morelli, M., and Tamietto, M. (2022)
Why is fake news so fascinating to the brain?
Eur J Neurosci. 2022;1–5
Palagi, E., Celeghin, A., Tamietto, M., Winkielman, P., Norscia, I., (2022)
Disentangling attentional and affective contribution to contagious yawning
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Celeghin, A., Tamietto, M., (2021)
Blindsight: Functions, Methods and Neural Substrates
In Della Sala, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioural Neuroscience, vol.2. Elsevier, pp. 619-629.
Esposito, M., Tamietto, M., Geminiani, G.C., Celeghin, A. (2021)
A subcortical network for implicit visuo-spatial attention: Implications for Parkinson's Disease
Cortex. 2021 Aug;141:421-435. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.05.003. PMID: 34144272.
Lanzilotto, M., Maranesi, M., Livi, A., Ferroni, G.C., Orban, G.A., and Bonini, L. (2020)
Stable readout of observed actions from format-dependent activity of monkey’s anterior intraparietal neurons
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
Bagnis, A., Celeghin, A., Diano, M., Méndez, C.A., Spadaro, G., Mosso, C.O., Avenanti, A., &, Tamietto, M. (2020)
Functional neuroanatomy of racial categorization from visual perception: A meta-analytic study
Neuroimage, 217, 116939
Georgy, L., Lewis, J.D., Bezgin, G., Diano, M., Celeghin, A., Evans, A.C., Tamietto, M. & Ptito, A. (2020)
Changes in peri-calcarine cortical thickness in blindsight
Neuropsychologia, 143, 107463
Palagi, E., Celeghin, A., Tamietto, M., Winkielman, P., & Norscia, I. (2020)
The neuroethology of spontaneous mimicry and emotional contagion in human and non-human animals
Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 102, 318-326
Palagi, E., Celeghin, A., Tamietto, M., Winkielman, P., & Norscia, I. (2020)
The neuroethology of spontaneous mimicry and emotional contagion in human and non-human animals
Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 102, 318-326
Paul, E.S., Sher, S., Tamietto, M., Winkielman, P., & Mendl, M.T. (2020)
Towards a comparative science of emotion: affect and consciousness in human and animals
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 108, 749–770
Bagnis, A., Celeghin, A., Mosso, C., & Tamietto, M. (2019).
Towards an integrative science of social vision in intergroup bias.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 102, 318-326.
Tamietto & Kentridge (2019).
Standing on a shoulder of a giant.
Neuropsychologia, 81, 151-161.
Danckert, J., Tamietto, M., Rossetti, Y. (2019).
Definition: Blindsight.
Cortex, 119, 569-570.
Michel, M. et al. (2019)
Opportunities and challenges for a maturing science of consciousness
Nature Human Behaviour, 3(2), pp. 104-107
Celeghin, A., Galetto, V., Tamietto, M., & Zettin, M. (2019)
Emotion Recognition in Low-Spatial Frequencies Is Partly Preserved following Traumatic Brain Injury.
BioMed Research International, 2019
Premi, E., Calhoun, VD., Diano, M., et al. (2019)
The inner fluctuations of the brain in presymptomatic Frontotemporal Dementia: The chronnectome fingerprint.
Neuroimage, 189, pp. 645-654
Koul, A., Cavallo, A., Cauda, F., Costa, T., Diano, M., Pontil, M., & Becchio, C. (2019)
Action Observation Areas Represent Intentions From Subtle Kinematic Features.
Cerebral Cortex, 1,28, pp. 2647-2654
de Gelder, B., Watson, R., Zhan, M., Diano, M., Tamietto, M. and Vaessen, M.J. (2018)
Classic paintings may trigger pain and pleasure in the gendered brain.
Cortex, 109, pp. 171-180
Celeghin, A., Bagnis, A., Diano, M., Méndez, C.A., Costa, T., & Tamietto, M. (2018)
Functional neuroanatomy of blindsight revealed by activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis.
Neuropsychologia,doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.06.007.
Georgy, L., Jans, B., Tamietto, M., & Ptito, A. (2018).
Functional reorganization of population receptive fields in a hemispherectomy patient with blindsight.
Neuropsychologia, doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.06.026.
Nishijo, H., Rafal, R., & Tamietto, M. (2018)
Editorial:Limbic-Brainstem roles in perception, cognition, emotion, and behavior.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12: 395.
Tamietto, M., & Leopold, D.A. (2018)
Visual Cortex: The Eccentric Area Prostriata in the Human Brain.
Current Biology
Tatu, K., Costa, T., Nani, A., Diano, M., et al. (2018)
How do morphological alterations caused by chronic pain distribute across the brain? A meta-analytic co-alteration study.
Neuroimage Clin., 18;15-30.
Burra, N., Hervais-Adelman, A., Celeghin, A., de Gelder, B., & Pegna, A. (2017)
Affective Blindsight relies on low spatial frequencies.
Neuropsychologia, doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.10.009.
Celeghin, A., Diano, M., Bagnis, A., Viola, M., & Tamietto, M. (2017)
Basic Emotions in Human Neuroscience: Neuroimaging and Beyond.
Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1432.
Diano, M., Celeghin, A., Bagnis, A., Tamietto, M. (2017)
Human amygdala in sensory and attentional unawareness: Neural pathways and behavioural outcomes.
In: Amygdala, Edited by Barbara Ferry, InTech
Diano, M., Tamietto M., Celeghin A., Weiskrantz L., Tatu M.K., Bagnis A., Duca S., Geminiani G., Cauda F., & Costa T. (2017).
Dynamic Changes in Amygdala Psychophysiological Connectivity Reveal Distinct Neural Networks for Facial Expressions of Basic Emotions.
Scientific Reports.
Diano, M., Celeghin, A., Bagnis, A., & Tamietto, M. (2017).
Amygdala response to emotional stimuli without awareness: facts and interpretations.
Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 2029.
Georgy, L., Celeghin, A., Marzi, C. A., Tamietto, M., & Ptito, A. (2016).
The superior colliculus is sensitive to gestalt-like stimulus configuration in hemispherectomy patients.
Cortex, 81, 151-161.
Tamietto, M., & Morrone, M. C. (2016).
Visual Plasticity: Blindsight Bridges Anatomy and Function in the Visual System.
Current Biology, 26(2), R70-R73.
Premi, E., Cauda, F., Costa, T., Diano, M., Gazzina, S., Gualeni, V., ... & Padovani, A. (2016).
Looking for Neuroimaging Markers in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Clinical Trials: A Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis Study in Granulin Disease.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, (Preprint), 1-14.
Ferrari, C., Lega, C., Vernice, M., Tamietto, M., Mende-Siedlecki, P., Vecchi, T., Todorov, A., Cattaneo, Z. (2016).
The Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex Plays a Causal Role in Integrating Social Impressions from Faces and Verbal Descriptions.
Cerebral Cortex, 26(1),156-65.
Diano, M., D’Agata, F., Cauda, F., Costa, T., Geda, E., Sacco, K., ... & Geminiani, G. C. (2016).
Cerebellar clustering and functional connectivity during pain processing.
The Cerebellum, 15(3), 343-356.
Premi, E., Diano, M., Gazzina, S., Cauda, F., Gualeni, V., Tinazzi, M., ... & Biasotto, G. (2016).
Functional Connectivity Networks in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic DYT1 Carriers.
Movement Disorders, 31(11), 1739-1743.
Hervais-Adelman, A., Legrand, L.B., Zhan, M., Tamietto, M., deGelder, B. & Pegna, A (2015).
Looming sensitive cortical regions without V1 input: evidence from a patient with bilateral cortical blindness.
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 9, 51.
Celeghin, A., de Gelder, B., & Tamietto, M. (2015).
From affective blindsight to emotional consciousness.
Consciousness and Cognition, 36, 414-425.
Ferrari, C., Lega, C., Tamietto, M., Nadal, M. & Cattaneo, Z. (2015).
I find you more attractive … after (prefrontal cortex) stimulation.
Neuropsychologia, 72, 87-93.
Van den Stock, J., Tamietto, M., Hervais-Adelman, A., Pegna, A. & de Gelder, B. (2015).
Body recognition in a patient with bilateral primary visual cortex lesions.
Biological Psychiatry, 77(7), e31-33.
Tamietto, M., Cauda, F., Celeghin, A., Diano, M., Costa, T., Cossa, FM., Sacco, K., Geminiani, GC., Duca, S. & de Gelder, B. (2015).
Once you feel it, you see it: Insula and sensory-motor contribution to visual awareness for fearful bodies in parietal neglect.
Cortex, 62, 56-72.
Negro, E., D’Agata, F., Caroppo, P., Coriasco, M., Ferrio, F., Celeghin, A., Diano, M., Rubino, E., de Gelder, B., Rainero, I., Pinessi, L., & Tamietto, M. (2015).
Neurofunctional Signature of Hyperfamiliarity for Unknown Faces.
PLoS One, 10(7), e0129970.
Celeghin, A., Savazzi, S., Barabas, M., Bendini, M., & Marzi, C. A. (2015).
Blindsight is sensitive to stimulus numerosity and configuration: evidence from the redundant signal effect.
Experimental brain research, 233(5), 1617-1623.
Vercelli, U., Diano, M., Costa, T., Nani, A., Duca, S., Geminiani, G., ... & Cauda, F. (2015).
Node Detection Using High-Dimensional Fuzzy Parcellation Applied to the Insular Cortex.
Neural Plasticity, 2016, doi: 10.1155/2016/1938292.
Celeghin, A., Barabas, M., Mancini, F., Bendini, M., Pedrotti, E., Prior, M., ... & Marzi, C. A. (2015).
Speeded manual responses to unseen visual stimuli in hemianopic patients: What kind of blindsight?
Consciousness and Cognition, 32, 6-14.
Costa, T., Cauda, F., Crini, M., Tatu, MK, Celeghin, A., de Gelder, B., & Tamietto, M. (2014).
Temporal and spatial neural dynamics in the perception of basic emotions from complex scenes.
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(11), 1690-703.
Cauda, F., Costa, T., Tamietto, M. (2014).
Beyond localized and distributed accounts of brain functions: Comment on "Understanding brain networks and brain organization" by Pessoa.
Physics of Life Reviews, 11(3), 442-3.
de Gelder, B. Tamietto, M., Pegna, A. & Van den Stock, (2014).
Visual imagery influences brain responses to visual stimulation in bilateral cortical blindness.
Cortex, 72, 15-26.
Van den Stock, J., Tamietto, M., Zhan, M., Heinecke, A., Hervais-Adelman, A., Legrand, L.B., Pegna, A. & de Gelder, B. (2014).
Neural correlates of body and face perception following bilateral destruction of the primary visual cortices.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neurosciences, 8:30.
Premi, E., Cauda, F., Gasparotti, R., Diano, M., Archetti, S., Padovani, A., & Borroni, B. (2014).
Multimodal FMRI resting-state functional connectivity in granulin mutations: the case of fronto-parietal dementia.
PloS one, 9(9), e106500.
Cauda, F., Costa, T., Diano, M., Duca, S., & Torta, D. M. (2014).
Beyond the “Pain Matrix,” inter-run synchronization during mechanical nociceptive stimulation.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8:265.
Cauda, F., Costa, T., Palermo, S., D'Agata, F., Diano, M., Bianco, F., ... & Keller, R. (2014).
Concordance of white matter and gray matter abnormalities in autism spectrum disorders: A voxel‐based meta‐analysis study.
Human brain mapping, 35(5), 2073-2098.
Cauda, F., Costa, T., Diano, M., Sacco, K., Duca, S., Geminiani, G., & Torta, D. M. (2014).
Massive modulation of brain areas after mechanical pain stimulation: a time-resolved fMRI study.
Cerebral Cortex, 24(11), 2991-3005.
Torta, D. M., Diano, M., Costa, T., Gallace, A., Duca, S., Geminiani, G. C., & Cauda, F. (2013).
Crossing the line of pain: fMRI correlates of crossed-hands analgesia.
The Journal of Pain, 14(9), 957-965.
Buetti, S., Tamietto, M., Hervais-Adelman, A., Kerzel, D., de Gelder, B., & Pegna, A. (2013).
Dissociation between goal-directed and discrete response localization in a patient with bilateral cortical blindness.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25(10), 1769-75.
Burra, N., Hervais-Adelman, A., Kerzel, D., Tamietto, M., de Gelder, B., & Pegna, A. (2013).
Amygdala activation for eye-contact despite complete cortical blindness.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(25), 10483-10489.
Tamietto, M., Pullens, P., de Gelder, B., Weiskrantz, L., & Goebel, R. (2012).
Subcortical Connections to Human Amygdala and Changes Following Destruction of the Visual Cortex.
Current Biology, 22(15), 1449-1455.
Ioannides A.A., Poghosyan V., Liu L., Saridis G.A., Tamietto M., Op de Beeck M., De Tiège X., Weiskrantz L., & de Gelder B. (2012).
Spatiotemporal profiles of visual processing with and without primary visual cortex.
Neuroimage, 63(3), 1464-1477.
de Gelder, B., Hortensius, R., & Tamietto, M. (2012).
Attention and awareness each influence amygdala activity for dynamic bodily expressions-a short review.
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 6:54.
Van den Stock, J., Tamietto, M., Sorger, B., Pichon, S., Grézes, J., & de Gelder, B. (2011)
Cortico-subcortical visual, somatosensory, and motor activations for perceiving dynamic whole-body emotional expressions with and without striate cortex (V1).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(39), 16188-93
de Gelder, B., van Honk, J., & Tamietto, M. (2011).
Emotion in the brain: of low roads, high roads and roads less travelled.
Nature reviews Neuroscience, 12(7), 425.
D'Agata, F., Caroppo, P., Baudino, B., Caglio, M., Croce, M., Bergui, M., Tamietto, M., Mortara, P., & Orsi, L. (2011).
The recognition of facial emotions in spinocerebellar ataxia patients.
Cerebellum, 10(3), 600-10.
de Gelder, B., & Tamietto, M. (2011).
A unified science of the non-conscious mind?
Nature reviews Neuroscience, 12(5), 302.
Tamietto, M., & de Gelder, B. (2011).
Sentinels in the visual system.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 5(6), 1-2
Tamietto, M. & de Gelder, B., (2010).
Neural bases of the non-conscious perception of emotional signals.
Nature reviews Neuroscience, 11(10), 697-709.
de Gelder, B., Van den Stock, J., Meeren, H.K., Sinke, C.B., Kret, M.E., & Tamietto, M. (2010).
Standing up for the body. Recent progress in uncovering the networks involved in processing bodies and bodily expressions.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 34(4), 513-527.
Tamietto, M., Cauda, F., Latini Corazzini, L., Savazzi, S., Marzi, CA, Goebel, R., Weiskrantz, L., & de Gelder, B. (2010).
Collicular vision guides non-conscious behavior.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(5), 888-902.
Tamietto, M., Castelli, L., Vighetti, S., Perozzo, P., Geminiani, G., Weiskrantz, L., & de Gelder, B. (2009).
Unseen facial and bodily expressions trigger fast emotional reactions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(42), 17661-17666.
de Gelder, B., Tamietto, M., van Boxtel, G., Goebel, R., Sahraie, A., van den Stock, Stienen, BMC, Weiskrantz, L. & Pegna, A. (2008).
Intact navigation skills after bilateral loss of striate cortex.
Current Biology, 18(24), R1128-9.
Tamietto, M., & de Gelder, B. (2008).
Affective blindsight in the intact brain: Neural interhemispheric summation for unseen fearful expressions.
Neuropsychologia, 46(3), 820-8.
Tamietto, M., Geminiani, G., Genero, R., & de Gelder, B. (2007).
Seeing Fearful Body Language Overcomes Attentional Deficits in Patients with Neglect.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(3), 445-454.
Tamietto, M., Adenzato, M., Geminiani, G., & de Gelder, B. (2007).
Fast recognition of social emotions takes the whole brain: Interhemispheric cooperation in the absence of cerebral asymmetry.
Neuropsychologia, 45(4), 836-843.
Pia, L., & Tamietto, M. (2006).
Unawareness in schizophrenia: Neuropsychological and neuroanatomical findings.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 60(5), 531-537.
de Gelder, B., Meeren, H.K.M., Righart, R., Van den Stock, J., van de Riet, W.A.C., & Tamietto, M. (2006).
Beyond the face: Exploring rapid influences of context on face processing.
Progress in Brain Research, 155, 37-48.
Tinti, C., Adenzato, M., Tamietto, M., & Cornoldi, C. (2006).
Visual experience is not necessary for efficient survey spatial cognition: Evidence from blindness.
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59(7), 1306-1328.
Tamietto, M., Latini Corazzini, L., de Gelder, B., & Geminiani, G. (2006).
Functional asymmetry and interhemispheric cooperation in the perception of emotions from facial expressions.
Experimental Brain Research, 171(3), 389-404.
Tamietto, M., Torrini, G., Adenzato, M., Pietrapiana, P., Rago, R., & Perino, C. (2006).
To drive or not to drive (after TBI)? A review of the literature and its implications for rehabilitation and future research.
NeuroRehabilitation, 21(1), 81-92.
Tamietto, M., Latini Corazzini, L., Pia, L., Zettin, M., Gionco, M., & Geminiani, G. (2005).
Effects of emotional face cueing on line bisection in neglect: A single case study.
Neurocase, 11(6), 399-404.
Pietrapiana, P., Tamietto, M., Torrini, G., Mezzanato, T., Rago, R., & Perino, C. (2005).
Role of premorbid factors in predicting safe return to driving after severe TBI.
Brain Injury, 19(3), 197-211.
Tamietto, M., Latini Corazzini, L., Castelli, L., & Geminiani, G. (2004).
Domain-Specific Anosognosia in Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia.
Brain Impairment, 5, 187-197.
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